Start United States USA — Criminal McCarthy hopes concessions to conservatives begin breaking gridlock in speaker’s vote

McCarthy hopes concessions to conservatives begin breaking gridlock in speaker’s vote


The House was set to gavel into a third day of limbo as Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy tried to appeal to conservative opponents by agreeing to some of their demands.
Late-night talks between GOP leaders and the faction of holdouts yielded a short list of concessions from Mr. McCarthy, but none of the changes are expected to convince enough of the holdouts to provide the support he needs to be elected speaker immediately Thursday, when a new round of voting was expected to begin at noon. 
Mr. McCarthy still faced opposition from 20 conservatives who want additional changes to the House rules and a significant say in the GOP’s legislative agenda, but one source familiar with the concessions sought by the holdouts said “we’re are almost there.”
According to Republicans involved in the talks, Mr. McCarthy has agreed to a top demand from the holdouts — reinstating a rule that lets a single lawmaker call up a vote to eject the speaker in the middle of a congressional session. A second concession from Mr. McCarthy would make it easier for lawmakers to amend spending legislation by requiring each of the 12 appropriations bills to be considered separately and under an open rule.

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