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Carlson: Joe Biden Trusts Beijing More than He Trusts You


Tuesday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson opened his program with a monologue about the fallout from the revelations that classified documents had been kept at the so-called Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania, where then-former Vice President Joe Biden had an office.
Carlson questioned how much of it was really “secret” and warned Chinese hackers had already discovered much of the United States’ “classified” information. Yet, Carlson said Biden had done little about it.
Partial transcript as follows:
CARLSON: They always accuse you of the very things they’re doing themselves. If there’s one rule you can keep on your fridge, write it down and put it in your wallet to evaluate the behavior of the people in charge, it is that. They blame you for their sins every single time.
The latest example right this week when we learned that Joe Biden fresh from lecturing us about how Donald Trump was a criminal because he had unauthorized possession of secret documents. That very same Joe Biden himself had unauthorized possession of secret documents, but don’t worry, it’s not a big deal.
Unlike you, and that despicably orange Donald Trump, Joe Biden is a good person. Joe Biden is so virtuous, he has transcended temporal law. It’s not a crime when he does it.
So that’s the frustratingly familiar headline from this week’s story, which you’ve probably seen by now. But the details of the story are actually pretty interesting.
So a week before these last Midterm Elections, Joe Biden’s lawyers were for some reason brooding around in a locked closet in the Washington office of something called the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.
And while in that locked closet, Biden’s lawyers found a sheaf of highly classified government documents. So the first question here is why were Joe Biden’s lawyers doing this in the first place? And we can’t say for sure, because they haven’t told us, but it is weird. Lawyers don’t typically search locked closets. Yours probably don’t. But Biden’s lawyers did.
And we guessed they did because they understood that Republicans were about to win back the House and with it congressional subpoena power. So they were likely conducting a cleanup operation preemptively trying to get ahead of a scandal they knew was coming.
And of course, they hid what they found in that closet until after the Midterm Elections because there’s no reason to influence voters too much with information. So there’s that.
And then there’s the question of the so-called Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania. What is that exactly? The whole idea of an academic Biden center is pretty funny. Joe Biden is a moron. He has always been a moron, even before the dementia.
For decades in Washington, ask anyone who live there, Biden was famous as the dumbest member of the Senate. People make jokes about it. So why would an Ivy League university name a think tank after a man who can’t think and then pay him nearly a million dollars a year for not doing anything? Hmm, good question. We will have more on that in just a minute.
But first, a word about classified documents. Now, this is not a partisan point, not attacking anybody, it is just the truth. These people you see on television, huffing and puffing about vital state secrets on both sides, by the way, not just Democrats, everybody vital state secrets, they are either lying or they don’t really understand how Washington works.
How many legitimate vital state secrets are there? Well, actually not very many at all. In a democracy, the government has no right to hide what it is doing from the public, except under extraordinary circumstances.
It’s fine to classify the Normandy invasion until it happens. It is not fine to spend 60 years hiding the fact that the CIA was involved in the murder of a President. Hiding your involvement in the Kennedy assassination is not a national security precaution, it is criminal behavior. And it’s made possible by a classification regime that was designed not to protect this country, but to protect and enrich our permanent political class, which it very efficiently does.
“Oh, but our enemies,” screech the morons on TV. If we declassify these documents, whatever they are, if we do that, our enemies will learn our secrets. Please, China already knows our secrets, all of our secrets. The Chinese government has hacked every agency in Washington and everybody knows that and nobody seems to care.
The Biden administration cares so little in fact, it just suspended a counter espionage program designed to stop Chinese spying. In other words, the Chinese can know, but you can’t know.
Biden trusts Beijing more than he trusts you. So the media’s job, its only job really is to push back against attitudes like that and to seek the truth. Reporters are the people who are paid, who for a living, find out what your government is doing, and then tell you about it, so democracy can continue, but there are very few of those left.
Julian Assange is in prison for his efforts. Ed Snowden lives in exile. And the news organizations that remain are so thoroughly controlled by government agencies, that even the suggestion of more public transparency drives them to hysteria.
Watch CNN and MSNBC, for example, react to the news that Republicans in Congress might tell us some of what the thoroughly corrupt Intel Community has been doing in our name.
DAVID JOLLY, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: A House committee where Republicans can shred at the integrity of the Federal government and tell America that your government is spying on you and coming after you, that is at the heart of this tear down, break down the government, we can’t trust the government, we’re going to topple it. He just gave them a committee platform to have those hearings.
And you better believe that is going to be heroin in the veins of FOX News viewers over the next two years.
REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): Basically, they’re establishing a subcommittee or a committee on witch hunts and Deep State conspiracy theories.
JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC: This is so extraordinarily dangerous, as you said, they’re going to actually — these people want to target America’s Intel Community.
REP. JAMES CLYBURN (D-SC): This is a body of the Congress that we are trying to maintain credibility with and we are not going to do that by opening up all kinds of suspicions about the institutions in our society.

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