Start United States USA — IT Five reasons Apple is worth loving: the iPhone 14 Pro and premium...

Five reasons Apple is worth loving: the iPhone 14 Pro and premium minimalism


Don’t worry, we will be hating on Apple sooner, rather than later.
Brand loyalty is a defining part of the tech community as a whole and it is something everyone is guilty of to some extent. We are only human and true objectivity is something we can only aspire to. Nevertheless, the main problem is not our personal bias, but rather the fact that it can sometimes stop us from seeing the bigger picture.
Nothing is black and white, and your favorite tech giant is most definitely not perfect. This is why I have decided to experiment with a new series of articles dedicated to the things I love and hate about some of the biggest players on the smartphone market.
The main objective of these pieces will be to (at least partially) understand the source from which brand loyalty (or hatred) can stem. In a sense, I will try to show Apple fanboys why Samsung fans have a point and vice versa,
Naturally these ‘lists’ will be somewhat subjective and based on my personal views, but I will try to highlight areas in which I believe there is some degree of common consensus – the main point is to minimize contention and to get people to agree on something.
Today, my focus will be on Apple and the things I believe make the company worth loving. So let’s get right to it – here are 5 reasons why I love Apple.

Perhaps paradoxically, one of the things I love the most about Apple is precisely what the vast majority of devout Android users hate. Namely, the (very) simplistic UI and just how minimalist the company’s approach towards design as a whole is. Elegance, sometimes at the expense of functionality, underlines every aspect of the user experience that Apple seeks to cultivate.
This is not only something I have no problem with – it is also one of the main reasons why I tend to prefer iPhones. Frankly, over the years, I have learned how to strip an Android smartphone so as to match the simplicity of the Apple experience on another device, but I simply see no point in doing so when I can just go with the original.
For me, the UI of Apple devices like the iPhone and the iPad is just more intuitive and clear. Now is the time to assert that I am the opposite of a power user, which is one of the main reasons why this philosophy appeals to me personally. I do not wish to do much with my tech – I want it to be able to execute a relatively more limited number of tasks, easily and reliably. That is precisely what Apple stands for in my mind.

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