Start United States USA — Criminal Will Trump get rise in polls if arrested by Bragg?

Will Trump get rise in polls if arrested by Bragg?


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., says this about Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg: „The prosecutor in New York has done more to help Donald Trump get elected president than any single person in America today.“
Hype? Exaggeration?
Surely, Graham wouldn’t intentionally give Bragg more credit than himself. It’s clearly a good soundbite. But could Trump get a big boost for his renewed presidential campaign from Bragg’s likely arrest and indictment?
That’s the big question.
Could it be the best thing that ever happened in Trump’s third bid for the presidency?
On the other hand, Graham said this: „I think this is an effort that’s ongoing, never-ending to destroy Donald Trump, everything around Donald Trump.“
Graham is clearly hedging his bets.
But if it blows up, what the New York Times called Bragg’s „untested and therefore risky legal theory,“ could just convince more Americans the establishment is clearly out to get Trump. Could it be the last straw – showing that the attacks by the radical left have reached their limit?
For Graham, they’ve thrown enough garbage at the former president.
„They’re making stuff up that they’ve never used against anybody because they hate Trump,“ he said.

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