Start United States USA — Political Biden Faces Democrat Backlash Over Cluster Munitions for Ukraine

Biden Faces Democrat Backlash Over Cluster Munitions for Ukraine


„There is no such thing as a safe cluster bomb,“ the House Progressives said in a statement after Joe Biden said Kyiv could be supplied with the weapons.
Democratic representatives have condemned the decision by President Joe Biden allowing Ukraine to receive cluster munitions over concerns about the weapons‘ ability to harm civilians.
A group of 19 House progressives signed a letter opposing the Biden administration’s decision announced Friday to green-light the weapons, which are dropped by aircraft or fired by a ground-based weapons system over a target area.
Cluster munitions are designed to disperse explosive submunitions in such quantities that they can main, injure or kill civilians and friendly forces during and long after a conflict ends. The U.S. Russia and Ukraine were not among the 123 signatories to a 2008 treaty banning their use.

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