Start United States USA — Cinema Christopher Nolan Says ’Oppenheimer’ Sex Scenes Were ’Essential’

Christopher Nolan Says ’Oppenheimer’ Sex Scenes Were ’Essential’


The filmmaker said it felt ‚important to understand‘ the relationships our semi-hero had with the two key women in his life.
Hollywood doesn’t really do sex anymore and they haven’t for ages, at least not on a regular basis. Every time some big movie has nooky, people freak the hell out. So when it turned out Christopher Nolan — a decidedly un-saucy filmmaker who’s barely shown bare flesh let alone characters enjoying the pleasures of the flesh — had slipped some hard-R sauciness into Oppenheimer, his movie about the inventor of the atom bomb, alarm bells went off. But Nolan says they’re necessary.
In a new interview with Insider, Nolan talks about another side of J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy. “When you look at Oppenheimer’s life and you look at his story, that aspect of his life, the aspect of his sexuality, his way with women, the charm that he exuded, it’s an essential part of his story,” Nolan said.

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