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Should You Choose File Not Found Background In Starfield?


In Starfield, File Not Found is a background option that you get while choosing a background for your character.
In Starfield, File Not Found is a background option that you get while choosing a background for your character. You will observe this after the Xenobiologist background. Remember that each set comes with its starting skills and information.
However, you will see that, unlike the rest of these backgrounds, the File Not Found Background is pretty much unanimous. Moreover, the starting skills you will get here include Wellness, Ballistics, and Plotting in Starfield.
If you want to know more about this particular background, continue reading. I will discuss whether you should choose the [File Not Found background] in this Starfield guide.Should you pick the File Not Found Background?
As mentioned, the File Not Found Background does not give any background information in Starfield. This piece of intel is vital for your character in many ways because it explains your backstory.
If you pick this background, your back story won’t be made known to anyone apart from yourself. This may indicate that there is a mystery behind the “File Not Found” Background.
Apart from that, if you pick this background, you will get essential skills for your survival. These will include the Wellness skill that will target towards higher max health (10 percent) for your character.
Next, you will have the Ballistic skill, allowing you to exert better weapon damage of (10 percent) as well. Lastly, you will get the Piloting skill. This allows you to maneuver your ship and utilize its thrusters at a basic level in Starfield.

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