Start United States USA — mix Biden's Statement on Impeachment Inquiry is Full of Anti-Republican Malarkey

Biden's Statement on Impeachment Inquiry is Full of Anti-Republican Malarkey


The process is in motion
The House voted in favor of launching an impeachment inquiry of President Biden in a vote of 221-212 on Wednesday. It was a party line vote, which is no surprise.
Biden’s statement threw everything into it. He even insists he is “determined” to “fix” the southern border. LOL! It’s a long-winded dose of Biden malarkey.
The American people need their leaders in Congress to take action on important priorities for the nation and world.
On Tuesday, I met with the President of Ukraine, who is leading his people in a battle for freedom against Russian aggression. He came to America to ask us for help. Yet Republicans in Congress won’t act to help.
The people of Israel are in a battle against terrorists, and they are waiting for our help. Yet Republicans in Congress won’t act to help. We have to address the situation at our southern border, and I am determined to try to fix the problem. We need funding to strengthen border security, but Republicans in Congress won’t act to help.
We need to continue our progress on the economy and make sure inflation keeps going down and job growth keeps going up. That means avoiding self-inflicted economic crises like a government shutdown, which Republicans in Congress are driving us toward in just a few weeks because they won’t act now to fund the government and critical priorities to make life better for the American people.
There is a lot of work to be done. But after wasting weeks trying to find a new Speaker of the House and having to expel their own members, Republicans in Congress are leaving for a month without doing anything to address these pressing challenges.

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