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Everything Exciting About the Android 15 Beta So Far


The software won’t be fully baked until later this year.
In the past, every new version of Android felt like a special occasion for the platform’s devoted users. It meant new software features, better algorithms, improved user interfaces, and maybe even something fun, like an easter egg.
However, in the case of Android 15, which is in its first public beta, we’re still waiting for the main event. Sure, the beta offers a glimpse into what’s next, but it’s not the whole picture. Most of the tweaks are being made behind the scenes rather than in a user-facing manner. And let’s not forget the Android beta is not a final rendering of the software update. It still has a few iterations in the public beta before it’s ready for public consumption.
Android 15 won’t be here for a while. But if you’re one of those devoted fans, you can download the beta now and see what’s cooking. Do not install a beta on your device every day. But do read about what’s coming in Android 15.
It’s a minor change but a welcome one. Android 15’s new volume panel will be expandable and feature visually stunning controls rather than a boring slider panel. The snapshot above from noted leaker Mishaal Rahman shows Material stylings for the volume controls. I haven’t been able to surface this look on the Pixel 6 Pro running the Android 15 beta.
Partial screen sharing will keep you from sharing your secrets. The feature allows you to record only the app window rather than the entire device screen, so your notifications don’t pop in and out.
Is someone blowing up your notifications? Maybe it’s a game you play a ton. Android 15 will help chill them out. Notification cooldown will automatically lower the volume of consecutive notifications from the same app, so you’ll not constantly get an overlay ping while trying to use your device.

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