Start United States USA — Criminal Almost half of Americans want anti-Israel protests banned from college campuses: poll

Almost half of Americans want anti-Israel protests banned from college campuses: poll


The Morning Consult survey released Wednesday found that 47% of likely voters who responded to the poll would support administrators blocking “pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus.”
Almost half of of Americans support banning anti-Israel protesters from college campuses entirely — and more than three quarters support sending in the cops to protect students, according to a poll this week.
The Morning Consult survey released Wednesday found that 47% of likely voters who responded to the poll would support administrators blocking “pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus.”
Just 30% of respondents said colleges and universities should not prohibit the demonstrations.
Additionally, 76% of respondents said US universities and colleges should “ask the police to protect campuses from violence,” including 79% of Republicans, 75% of Democrats and 71% of independents.
Large portions of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum support entirely barring the protests from campus, the poll results suggests
By party affiliation, 59% of Republicans and 41% of Democrats want the protests banned, compared with 22% of GOPers and 36% of Dems who oppose prohibiting the demonstrations.
Another 41% of respondents to the Morning Consult poll said pro-Israeli protests should also be banned from campuses.
Asked whether higher education institutions should “make statements condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza,” 42% of voters said they should not and 33% said they should.
Twenty-five percent were undecided.
Hamas recently endorsed that protests, which are tearing US campuses apart, because they “refute the Zionist narrative.”
“We in the Hamas movement believe that any popular movement demanding an end to the aggression and genocide against our people are useful and supportive activities for our cause,” Hamas spokesman Bassem Naim told Newsweek.

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