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Shangri-La Dialogue: Indonesia’s Prabowo calls for Palestinian state, end to war, remains firm on non-alignment in US-China rivalry


Indonesia’s president-elect, at Asia’s top defence forum in Singapore, reiterates commitment to “comprehensive and permanent ceasefire” in the Middle East.
Indonesian president-elect Prabowo Subianto on Saturday called on the international community to provide a “just solution” to the Israel-Gaza war under which both sides have a “right to exist” and there would be a Palestinian state.
“The only real solution to lasting peace and security for both Israel and Palestine is a two-state solution,” he said in Singapore at the Shangri-La Dialogue security forum.
“Why this is important for us? Because Indonesia is part of the Islamic world. Although physically, we are not of the region, but what happens in the Middle East, what happens in Gaza affects, concerns … the Indonesian people,” he said.
The former general added that Indonesia would “do whatever we can to provide humanitarian assistance” and contribute to peacekeeping efforts.
“Indonesia also is very willing to evacuate and treat wounded Palestinian civilians and those needing hospital care in Indonesian hospitals.”
Indonesia is home to the world’s largest Muslim population and has consistently expressed support for Palestine’s independence within the framework of a two-state solution.
Prabowo, 72, said the resolution should consider both Israel’s right to exist and the rights of the Palestinians “to have their own homeland, their own state, living in peace”.
“We are also cognisant of the fact that the resolution of this crisis must consist of mutual respect for the rights and the concerns of all parties. There cannot be a single narrative that is legitimate as it’s often been repeated,” he said.
Prabowo also commended US President Joe Biden’s three-phase proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza: “Although we have to further study the details of this proposal put forward and announced by President Biden, we do view this proposal as an important right step in the direction that we have to go.

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