Start United States USA — mix New Trump Ad: 'My Values Have Not Changed'

New Trump Ad: 'My Values Have Not Changed'


That didn’t take long! The Trump campaign spent last night reacting in real time to Kamala Harris‘ dodgeball on CNN, especially attacking her inability to explain a series of policy flip-flops. CNN’s Dana Bash gave Harris a couple of opportunities to explain these as some sort of rational evolution, but Harris kept offering a slogan — „My values have not changed“ — rather than an explanation.
This particular exchange highlights the problem especially well. Bash asks her to explain why her policies changed, and Harris just keeps repeating the slogan, emphases mine:
BASH: Generally speaking, how should voters look at some of the changes that you’ve made, that you’ve explained some of here in your policy? Is it because you have more experience now and you’ve learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for President in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you’re saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?
HARRIS: Dana, I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed, and I have worked on it, that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.
We did that with the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set goals for the United States of America and, by extension, the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as an example.

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