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Incredible Animation Shows How a Crossover Between Animal Crossing and Cult of the Lamb Would Look


An animated video shows what Animal Crossing looks like with Cult of the Lamb’s art style and gameplay, and the result is incredibly cool.
An incredible animation showed what Animal Crossing would look like if it crossed over with Cult of the Lamb. Both games share similarities in terms of having adorable animal characters and farming mechanics, but the difference is that the Animal Crossing franchise isn’t a roguelike slasher.
Animal Crossing is one of the most popular Nintendo franchises because of its cozy gameplay that allows players to customize their islands, and the memorable characters. Recently, the video game company also made the title even more accessible with the upcoming release of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete on iOS and Android.
Likewise, Animal Crossing fans always make different art and media inspired by the franchise’s characters. One animation group known as 64 Bits took it to another level and made a short video titled „Cult of the Bell“, an Animal Crossing and Cult of the Lamb crossover.

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