Start United States USA — software Atom 1.13 Brings Benchmarks, Project History, and Keystroke Resolver API

Atom 1.13 Brings Benchmarks, Project History, and Keystroke Resolver API


NewsHubVersion 1.13 of Atom , GitHub’s Electron -based open source text editor, adds a host of new features and improvements for users and developers, including a benchmarking tool, a Reopen Project menu option and API, and a custom keystroke resolver to map Chrome keyboard events to Atom-style keystrokes.
Previous to Atom 1.13, the only way to measure how changes in Atom’s codebase affect performance was using Chrome’s profiler. Atom 1.13 introduces a new atom –benchmark option that allows developers to run benchmarks on their machine and compare how different versions of Atom compare when running the same benchmark. The benchmark command is also available from the command palette invoking Window: Run Benchmarks and will execute all benchmarks found in the benchmarks directory. If you invoke atom –benchmark , you will get a textual output in CSV format; otherwise, Atom will plot the benchmark on screen.
To make it possible to go back to a previous editor state without resorting to using unusual command line options, version 1.

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