Start GRASP/Japan Trump blasts Mark Cuban in early morning tweet; Cuban dismisses

Trump blasts Mark Cuban in early morning tweet; Cuban dismisses


Amid a round of diplomacy with Japan’s leader, the president took some time to defend his immigration policies and hit out at an old foe.
President Donald Trump, fresh from a round of diplomacy with Japan’s prime minister, renewed a feud with billionaire Mark Cuban on Sunday, a familiar foil with whom he’s sparred in the past.
As the world grappled with North Korea’s latest act of aggression —firing off a new ballistic missile—Trump harangued the outspoken investor in a series of early morning tweets. Along with defending his crackdown on immigration, Trump blasted Cuban as being „not smart enough“ to be leader of the free world.
For his part, Cuban —who supported Democratic contender Hillary Clinton in the general election—dismissed the broadside with a simple „LOL“.

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