Start GRASP/Japan What A Westinghouse Bankruptcy Could Mean For U. S. Utilities

What A Westinghouse Bankruptcy Could Mean For U. S. Utilities


International news services now report that Japan’s Toshiba Corporation is preparing to make a chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for its Westinghouse Electric subsidiary as soon as today.
Authored by Leonard Hyman & William Tilles via,
International news services now report that Japan’s Toshiba Corporation (9502. T) is preparing to make a chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for its Westinghouse Electric subsidiary as soon as today. For most of our readers this news evokes little surprise. This is merely another chapter of a slow moving financial and accounting train wreck involving nuclear design and construction firm Westinghouse and its troubled Japanese parent, Toshiba. But like an old, leaky garbage scow there is much to clean up in its wake.
The two U. S. utilities with the most at risk are Southern Company and SCANA Corp. Westinghouse is presently constructing two unit, AP 1000 nuclear power stations for each utility. These projects are over-budget and behind schedule. It appears that Westinghouse offered both utilities a fixed price contract for these new nuclear plants. Our best guess is that this fixed price construction guarantee has doomed Westinghouse and prevented other potentially willing buyers from stepping in. No one it seems is willing to take on this seemingly open-ended nuclear construction liability.

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