Start GRASP/Japan Babies cry more in UK, Canada and Italy, less in Germany, study...

Babies cry more in UK, Canada and Italy, less in Germany, study finds


Babies cry more in Britain, Canada, Italy and Netherlands than in other countries, while newborns in Denmark, Germany and Japan cry and fuss the least, researchers said on Monday.
LONDON: Babies cry more in Britain, Canada, Italy and Netherlands than in other countries, while newborns in Denmark, Germany and Japan cry and fuss the least, researchers said on Monday.
In research looking at how much babies around the world cry in their first three months, psychologists from Britain have created the first universal charts for normal amounts of crying during that period.
„Babies are already very different in how much they cry in the first weeks of life,“ said Dieter Wolker, who led the study at Warwick University.
„We may learn more from looking at cultures where there is less crying – (including) whether this may be due to parenting or other factors relating to pregnancy experiences or genetics.

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