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Viral Video Shows A Swarm Of Robots Sorting Packages


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We tend to think of robots as something like the Terminator or Marvin, or at least the popular press does. What is not completely understood is that simpler robots are likely to have as big an effect in the world. Just take a look at how a swarm of simple robots sort 200,000 packages a day.
Robots have a big part to play in making warehouses and sorting centers more efficient. We all know about sorting algorithms, but if you are running a mail or delivery operation then you need to physically sort things. Amazon may avoid having to sort its stock by using hash codes, but when it comes to delivery you have to sort packages into geographically close areas. This is where the army of small orange robots enter the picture in Shentong Express warehouse in Hangzhou, in the Zhejiang province of China.
Just take a look:
They do it all on their own! Apart, that is from the initial loading of the package which for reasons that aren’t clear still involves a human picking and placing the package on the robots top.
When the robot gets alongside the correct delivery shoot it tips the package into it. Of course, you could have built a dedicated system of conveyer belts and hoppers but this is so much more flexible and, my guess, a lot cheaper.

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