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Health care vote makes me fear for soul of our country


I no longer feel as though my government and the 47 percent who voted for it understand anything about how preventative care actually saves lives.
John F. Kennedy once said that the way to judge a nation is to look at how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. On Thursday, our nation received a grade of F.
House Republicans voted to take health care away from America’s poorest and sickest people as 24 million are in danger of losing coverage. And their smiles on their faces told the story. Their plan will make a disaster of our already troubled and inequitable health care system.
No one should be surprised. When Ron Paul, a congressman and doctor, ran for president recently, he bragged about the fact that he took no government backed insurance. In a candidate debate he was asked by a reporter what he would do if a patient with a treatable, but possibly fatal condition (if left untreated) who was on Medicare came to him for help.
Dr. Paul hesitated for a long time before answering. During that hesitation, the audience burst into loud applause. Apparently killing the poor, old and sick was the appropriate response. No one really responded to the question after that. Republicans showed their true colors that night.
I fear for the soul of this country. After yesterday’s House vote, I no longer feel as though my government and the 47 percent who voted for it understand anything about how preventative care actually saves lives and money in the long run. They also do not understand simple human decency. How do these folks sleep at night?
My congressman, Peter Roskam, R-Ill., issued this press release Thursday following his vote for the American Health Care Act:
“I sincerely apologize to my wealthy and heartless base for the delay in bringing an end to the taxes you suffered to help insure the 20,000,000 deadbeats covered by the Affordable Health Care Act. Our seven-year battle to give back to you the treasure your talents earned simply to prevent 50,000 deaths caused by no health insurance, as well as the millions avoiding bankruptcy and diminished health have been rewarded.
“You were wise to succeed on your own and not have pre-existing conditions, the only true way to afford health insurance, which once again will become a privilege of success rather than a right of citizenship. This vote puts the first nail in the coffin of the Nannystate. And I’ m thrilled we added a one-year ban of Planned Parenthood funding to stop nonsensical government support for contraception and cancer screenings; as well as ending subsidies for insurance plans that cover abortions.
“Once again America shows its greatness among industrialized countries on the benefits of limited government. Now we can shift more government treasure back to the people whose industriousness and hard work built this great land, rather than the takers whose grasp for our hard-earned wealth never ceases.”
For the good of our nation, the world, and the millions of people whose very lives the president impacts in an absolutely devastating way, President Donald Trump’s mental health needs to be a matter of public issue.
In one day he talked about Andrew Jackson could have avoided the Civil War, even though he died 16 years before. He said was considering breaking up the banks, and said he would be “honored” to meet North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
All these statements indicate some manic behavior and mental instability. He has consistently manifested in public behavior that would call into question his mental health. We can not let the man who has the nuclear codes and the ability to destroy life on this planet just meander into insanity and not do something about it.
SOS. Please someone save our state. With Mr. Patch Pocket Plaid Shirt showing off his prowess with duct tape and the silent Democrat, we are in dire need. Please someone make a move to save our state. Dick Durbin, Lisa Madigan… help!

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