Start United States USA — IT The #NuggsForCarter kid has set the record for most retweets ever

The #NuggsForCarter kid has set the record for most retweets ever


A teenager with a love of Wendy’s chicken nuggets has displaced Ellen Degeneres as the author of the most-retweeted post on Twitter. Just over a month ago, ..
A teenager with a love of Wendy’s chicken nuggets has displaced Ellen Degeneres as the author of the most-retweeted post on Twitter.
Just over a month ago, Carter Wilkerson asked Wendy’s via Twitter how many retweets he’ d need to get a year’s supply of free chicken nuggets. The company’s response? “18 million.”
Sure, that was almost 15 million more the record holder at the time, Ellen’s Oscar selfie, but that didn’ t stop Wilkerson. Soon, it became a cause of sorts, endorsed by stars like Aaron Paul. Giant companies like Microsoft and Google jumped on-board too, because that’s the world we live in now.
And yes, Wendy’s says it’s giving him a year’s supply of free nuggets, and it’s making a $100,000 donation to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption in Wilkerson’s name. After all, the fast food chain got some amazing publicity in the process. (Before this, I didn’ t even know Wendy’s nuggets were a thing.)
I guess what I’ m saying is: One tweet has probably made Wilkerson more famous than you will ever be, and he’ ll be feasting on chicken nuggets for the next year. Happy Tuesday!

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