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Chinese student forced to apologize for praising 'fresh air of free speech in the US


A University of Maryland student was viciously attacked on social media for praising freedom in the US compared to her native China. Breitbart:…
A University of Maryland student was viciously attacked on social media for praising freedom in the US compared to her native China.
Shuping Yang, a graduate of the University of Maryland from Kunming city in southwest China, compared the air in China to the “sweet, oddly luxurious” air in America, and even went a step further to praise the U. S. for its democracy that allows “free speech, ” the  Daily Mail  reported.
“I grew up in a city in China where I had to wear a face mask every time I went outside, otherwise I might get sick. However, the moment I inhaled and exhaled outside the airport, I felt free, ” the theater and psychology double-major said, recounting her experience arriving in the U. S.
“I would soon feel another kind of fresh air for which I will be forever grateful. The fresh air of free speech. Democracy and free speech should not be taken for granted. Democracy and freedom are the fresh air that is worth fighting for, ” Yang added.
Needless to say, her remarks went immediately viral in China which elicited a storm of opposition from both citizens and the government.
“Is it appropriate to despise her home country while speaking as a school representative?” one user of the Chinese social media site  wrote.
“You better not come back to China. China won’ t be able to nurture a talent like you, ” another user wrote.
“Is she trying to flatter the US by saying our country is flawed?” another user questioned.

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