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How Google’s Go language could be improved


Go contributors find common ground on improvements in language server, crypto code, compilation, and garbage collection
To improve development tools for Google’s open source Go language, Go might be getting its own language server, akin to Microsoft and Red Hat’s Language Server Protocol.
The notion came up in a Go language contributors’ discussion group, so it’s not a done deal.
The group’s consensus recommendations are:
Other issues raised in the discussion group included dependency management and interface issues. Contributors noted that making critical fixes to packages in the standard library requires waiting six months for a new version of Go to ship, or for a point release for security issues. “Better dependency management may facilitate the migration of some packages out of the standard library and into their own projects with their own release schedules, ” wrote one participant.
Another area of discussion was the difficulty of using the standard library interfaces. “It would be nice if io. Reader accepted a context so that blocking read operations could be canceled, ” said one participant.
Errors in Go also led to discussions. “Many Go users are initially confused by, or don’ t understand, the fact that ‘error’ is an interface, and it can be difficult to attach more information to errors without masking sentinel errors such as io. EOF, ” wrote one participant.

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