North Korea called the U. S. a „heinous nuclear war fanatic“ after President Donald Trump tweeted that military plans are „locked and loaded.“
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Kim Jong-Un in a photo released by the North Korean media in December 2016.
The North Korean government issued a strong response to President Donald Trump’s “ locked and loaded ” tweet by calling the U. S. a “heinous nuclear war fanatic” and “the mastermind of nuclear threat.” Pyongyang said that Trump is “driving the situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war.”
The statement followed Trump’s early morning tweet on Friday. “Military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path, ” the president wrote.
North Korea responded with the new statement, which also refers to the U. S. as “imperialists” who considered using the atomic bomb during the 1950-1953 Korean War.
Here is the complete statement, issued by North Korean state media:
Trump is driving the situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war, making such outcries as “the U. S. will not rule out a war against the DPRK”.
From historical point of view, the U. S. criminal attempt to impose nuclear disaster upon the Korean nation is not of recent occurrence.
Even in the period of the 1950-1953 Korean war, the U. S. schemed to drop A-bomb on the Korean peninsula on at least 20 occasions.
After provoking the Korean war in 1950, the U. S. made desperate efforts to put into practice its plan for using A-bomb worked out before the war.
Whenever the war situation had gone against its will due to the powerful strike made by the Korean People’s Army, the U. S. tried to use A-bomb in a bid to win the “honorable victory”.
MacArthur, the then commander of the U. S. forces in the Far East, in secret telephone talks with the then U. S. President Truman claimed the use A-bomb in the Korean war.
He went the length of saying that according to his plan to drive the enemy into a tight corner, only an A-bomb was needed to destroy the one and only route from Manchuria of China and Vladivostok of Russia to Korea and it would take six months to restore it, as there were many tunnels and bridges along it.
And voices demanding the use of A-bomb in the war could be heard even from U. S. hard-line congressmen.
At that time, a British newspaper reported that B-29 and B-50 with the mark of atomic bomber in their tails frequented Yokoda air base in Japan.
In November 1950, Truman said in his statement that the U. S. would use A-bomb against north Korea. Timed to coincide with it, the U. S. imperialists deployed B-47 strategic bomber having A-bomb on board at its air base in Okinawa, Japan. And in December that year, they stored A-bombs on an aircraft carrier anchoring in the waters off Inchon, south Korea in top secrecy and kept its planes ready for action.
The U. S. imperialists dared not use A-bomb due to the strong protest of the international community, but such attempt was continued by those American warmongers like Eisenhower and Ridgway in the whole course of the Korean war.
All these facts go to prove that the U. S. is, indeed, the mastermind of nuclear threat, the heinous nuclear war fanatic.
The statement is the latest episode in the growing hostilities between the two countries which was sparked by a new round of U. N. economic sanctions against North Korea. On the same day of reports that U. S. intelligence knows the North Koreans have a miniaturized nuclear missile that can be put in missiles, Trump threatened to match Pyongyang with “fire and fury.” Then, Trump suggested that “fire and fury” wasn’ t tough enough .
As for North Korea, it has threatened to launch missiles that will land off the coast of Guam, a U. S. territory that’s home to major military bases in the Pacific.
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