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Roy More Mitch McConnell Cronies Trying to Steal This Election


Moore joked that his growing list of sexual assault allegations has united Democrats and Republicans.
Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore again offered a defiant rebuke of mounting sexual misconduct allegations Thursday, claiming top Republicans are working to “steal” the election.
“This is an effort by Mitch McConnell and his cronies to steal this election from the people of Alabama,” Moore said during his first press conference since new allegations broke alleging he sexually assaulted an underage girl and sexually harassed multiple teenagers while in his 30s.
Moore, who spoke after numerous Alabama faith leaders reaffirmed their support for the Senate candidate accused of sexual assault, again fired back at Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who have called for him to drop out of the Senate race.
“I want to tell you who needs to step down. That’s Mitch McConnell,” Moore said to rapturous applause.
The controversial Senate candidate also joked his growing list of sexual assault allegations has fulfilled his dream of uniting Democrats and Republicans in Washington against him.
“I said I wanted to see unity. I never dreamed that I would succeed even before I got elected,” Moore continued as the crowd laughed. “But I have unified the Democrats and the Republicans in fighting against me because they don’t want me there.”
Following the allegations against Moore, top Republicans have called for him to step down. However, the former Alabama state judge, who was twice elected and twice removed from the Alabama Supreme Court, has remained steadfast he will stay in the race and win the Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Moore remaining in the race, while his own party revokes its support of his candidacy, poses a complicated issue to Congress given that Alabama law dictates his name must stay on the ballot this close to Election Day. Congress also appears unsure how it would handle a Moore victory.
McConnell has floated the idea of a write-in candidate, including sending Sessions back down to his seat, but no official plan has been decided upon.
Watch Moore’s comments below, via Fox News.

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