Start United States USA — Science ‘Morning Joe’ Makes Closing Argument Against Roy Moore: ‘He’s a Pedophile’

‘Morning Joe’ Makes Closing Argument Against Roy Moore: ‘He’s a Pedophile’


„We know exactly who Roy Moore is. We’ve seen it,“ says „Morning Joe“ regular Eddie Glaude Jr. on Monday as the show makes its final case against him
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” offered a closing argument against Roy Moore on Monday when longtime show regular Eddie Glaude Jr. called the Alabama Senate candidate a “bigot” and a pedophile.”
“I grew up in Moss Point, Mississippi, we’ve seen this kind of American madness before. We know what this is. We know exactly what it is. We know exactly who Roy Moore is. We’ve seen it. That person has been a part of my landscape since I was a young man,” said Glaude.
“He’s a bigot and he’s a bigot who’s running for U. S. Senate and he’s a pedophile,” Glaude added.
Also Read: Mika Brzezinski Questions #MeToo Movement: ‚I’m Just Wondering If All Women Need to Be Believed‘
For those who may have been living under a rock for the last month, Moore is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct including from a woman who says he molested her in the 1970s when she was just 14.
The charges, first reported by the Washington Post, turned what would have been an easy race against Democrat Doug Jones into a nail-biter. Tuesday is election day.
“Morning Joe” also made hay of other Jones statements in recent weeks, including his assertion that America was better during the period that included slavery and that all amendments after the tenth should be done away with.
“The only thing that I’ve been grappling with this weekend is how this guy wins,” said Scarborough with solemnity. “If he does win, then everything I’ve been telling myself for the past 54 years about a new south that has moved forward, that has moved on, may actually not be the case.”
Watch above.
16 ‚Morning Joe‘ Trump Insults That Got Personal, From ‚Schmuck‘ to ‚Jackass‘ (Photos)
President Trump recently received a ton of criticism for sending out a pair of tweets about MSNBC’s „Morning Joe“ hosts “Psycho” Joe Scarborough and “low I. Q. Crazy” Mika Brzezinski.
“She was bleeding badly from a face-lift,” he wrote of an encounter with Brzezinski he claims he had in Florida weeks before his inauguration. TheWrap
While nothing can justify the president mocking a woman’s appearance, the „Morning Joe“ duo have been attacking Trump for months.
Check out 16 recent times the MSNBC stars said something that Trump could have taken personally. MSNBC
They compared him to Kim Jong-un
“This is unprecedented, to have a president who behaves this way,” Brzezinski said on June 23. “It does feel like a developing dictatorship.“
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe’ on Trump Administration: Feels Like a ‘Developing Dictatorship’ (Video) Getty
Brzezinski said Trump’s likes make her „uncomfortable“
“It’s so uncomfortable to see a president… lies, after lies, after lies from the president of the Unites States,” Brzezinski said on June 22.
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe‘: Mika Brzezinski Says Trump’s Lies Make Her ‘Uncomfortable’ (Video) Getty
Guest Donny Deutsch unloaded on Trump’s appearance
Deutsch defended Brzezinski on June 30 following Donald Trump’s attacks on her, calling the president “physically disgusting to look at.”
Deutsch continued: “Enough is enough with this disgusting vulgar man and to talk about women that way, and the irony is you physically look like you do, beyond the stupidity of it. You are a pig.“
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe’ Guest Donny Deutsch Unloads on Trump: ‘He’s Physically Disgusting to Look At’ (Video) Getty
Brzezinski said what Bill Clinton was to sex, Trump is to „decency“
„What Bill Clinton did to the issue of sex to an entire generation, I believe this president is doing on issues of decency, on issues of conspiracy theories, on issues of fake news,“ Brzezinski said in June 15. „I think it’s that simple and we’re desensitized if we even argue it.“
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe‘: Mika Brzezinski Says What Bill Clinton Was to Sex, Trump Is to ‘Decency’ (Video) MSNBC
They claim the administration lacks „real men“
„If the president seems delusional about his accomplishments, you can point no further than that room,“ Brzezinski said in June 14. „There are no real men in the inner circle of the White House… none at all.“
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe‘: Mika Brzezinski Says ‘There Are No Real Men’ on Trump’s Team (Video) Getty
Scarborough slammed Trump’s cabinet meeting
After Trump staffers praised the president during a cabinet meeting, Scarborough said on June 13 it “was the most sick, shameful, pathetic, un-American, autocratic display.”
He continued: “I will tell you if I were ever in meeting and people did that to me, I would say shut up and I would fire you.”
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe’ Rips Trump’s ‘Sick, Shameful, Pathetic, Un-American’ Cabinet Meeting (Video) NBC
Brzezinski challenged Trump’s mental health
Brzezinski called President Trump a “narcissist” and said it’s possible that he’s “mentally ill in a way” on June 8.
She continued: “I said it months ago… he’s not well. At the very least he’s not well and he’s so narcissistic that he does not believe the rules apply to him.“
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe‘: Mika Brzezinski Rips Trump’s Mental Health, Joe Scarborough Wants None of It (Video) Getty
Scarborough called Trump a “schmuck”
“Donald Trump, again, being a schmuck, thinking he can buy people’s integrity by inviting them over to the White House and wowing them,” Scarborough said on June 7 when discussing a dinner party at the White House. “That’s how he thinks. I know that first hand.”
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe’ Calls Trump a ‘Schmuck‘: ‘I Know That First Hand’ (Video) NBCNBC
Scarborough said Trump “is not a sane, rational human being”
“If any CEO, in a Fortune 500 company, was behaving this way, he or she would be removed immediately… they would take him out, he would have psychiatric evaluation and he would no longer be the CEO,” Scarborough said on June 6.
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe‘: If Trump Were CEO He’d Be ‘Removed Immediately’ For ‘Psychiatric Evaluation’ (Video) NBC
Scarborough refers to „President Bannon“
Scarborough blasted “President Bannon” on June 2 for the U. S. withdrawal from the Paris Accord on climate change — using the trolling phrase seven times in half a minute.
“Time magazine was right: Steve Bannon is the president of the United States,” the MSNBC host said, before launching into a 30-second monologue referencing “President Bannon” repeatedly.
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe’ Blasts ‘President Bannon’ for Trump’s Paris Accord Exit 7 Times in 30 Seconds (Video) Getty
They compared Trump to a “kid pooping his pants”
The morning show played audio of Press Secretary Sean Spicer telling reporters during an off-camera gaggle that Trump’s “covfefe” tweet wasn’t a typo and Americans shouldn’t be concerned.
Brzezinski set up her fiancé, “You said… it’s like a kid pooping their pants and then saying, ‘I meant to do that.”
“Well yes. It would be like somebody pooping their pants and then people looking at it and saying ‘oh that’s modern art don’t you understand,’” Scarborough said on June 1.
Also Read: ‘Morning Joe’ Compares Trump to ‘A Kid Pooping His Pants’ (Video) MSNBC
They called the president a “jackass”
Scarborough ripped Donald Trump on May 23, calling the president a “jackass” for continued attempts to squash the Russian investigation.

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