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Tech companies, government officials and others vow to fight for net neutrality


Although the FCC just voted to kill Net Neutrality regulations initially put in place back in 2015, the fight is far from over. The 3-2 vote to dismantle Title II internet protections has faced heavy criticism from tech companies and…
Although the FCC just voted to kill Net Neutrality regulations initially put in place back in 2015, the fight is far from over. The 3-2 vote to dismantle Title II internet protections has faced heavy criticism from tech companies and government officials alike, with many calling on congress to overturn the FCC’s decision.
Netflix and Google were quick to fire off tweets confirming their support of strong net neutrality protections.
Google statement on #NetNeutrality repeal.
— Mark Bergen (@mhbergen) December 14,2017
We’re disappointed in the decision to gut #NetNeutrality protections that ushered in an unprecedented era of innovation, creativity & civic engagement. This is the beginning of a longer legal battle. Netflix stands w/ innovators, large & small, to oppose this misguided FCC order.
— Netflix US (@netflix) December 14,2017
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was one of the first to release a statement regarding the FCC’s decision, informing the public that he will lead a multi-state lawsuit to stop the commission’s „illegal rollback“ of Net Neutrality regulations. „New Yorkers deserve the right to a free and open Internet,“ Schneiderman said. „That’s why we will sue to stop the FCC’s illegal rollback of net neutrality.“
Schneiderman has been a defender of Title II net neutrality regulations in the past, recently conducting an investigation into reports of widespread FCC comment fraud – despite the commission’s alleged refusal to cooperate in his investigation. His investigation revealed that over two million comments were made using stolen American identities.
„New Yorkers deserve the right to a free and open Internet. That’s why we will sue to stop the FCC’s illegal rollback of net neutrality.“
The American Civil Liberties Union has also come out against the FCC’s vote. „The fight now shifts to Congress,“ ACLU Senior Policy Analyst Jay Stanley said in a statement. „[Pro-network neutrality members] will press to use something called the Congressional Review Act to undo this hasty and misguided action.“
Representative of Pennsylvania’s 14th Congressional District, Mike Doyle, has announced plans to introduce legislation under this very Act to overturn the FCC’s order:
„The Open Internet Order has been effective at preserving a level playing field where consumers have access to the content and services they want – and online businesses are able to compete on the basis of cost and quality of their product rather than how much they can pay Internet Service Providers to block or throttle their competition.
I’ve tried repeatedly to convince Chairman Pai to abandon his plans to dismantle the Open Internet Order – most recently by organizing a letter from 118 Members of Congress urging him not to take this vote today – and now that the FCC has voted to kill Net Neutrality and give ISPs a green light to control access to the Internet, I will introduce legislation under the Congressional Review Act to overturn today’s order and restore Net Neutrality.”
Doyle’s statement has already garnered support and promises of co-sponsorship for future legislation from several congressional representatives, including Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, Representative Betty McCollum and others.

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