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Selected Articles: The Future of Palestine in the Aftermath of the UN Resolution?


* With yet another vote in the assembly scheduled today – this time over whether to condemn the US…
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With yet another vote in the assembly scheduled today – this time over whether to condemn the US decision to move their embassy to Jerusalem – here are a few of the most important votes taken in the assembly over the longstanding crisis.
The vote should have been near-unanimous – every nation except rogue states America and Israel, complicit in Trump’s Jerusalem declaration.
UN member states overwhelmingly rejected it – symbolically rendering it null and void only.
After decades of flagrant US bias towards Israel, Trump has confirmed to Palestinians only what they already knew. Some even grudgingly welcomed his candour. They hope he has finally silenced US claims to being an “honest broker” in an interminable “peace process” that has simply bought time for Israel to entrench the occupation.
28 countries voted a straight “no!” in Trump’s face, including France, Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, India, Turkey etc. In other words both the richest and the most populous countries in the world condemned Trump’s announcement.
In fact, of course, 14 members of the UN Security Council had already voted against Trump, but he stopped their resolution by exercising the US veto.
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