Start GRASP/Korea No, Loose Talk By Politicians and Pundits Will Not Start a War...

No, Loose Talk By Politicians and Pundits Will Not Start a War with North Korea


In a Washington Post op-ed, Ohio Governor John Kasich contends that “politicians and pundits” are going to get the United States involved in a war with North Korea. With tensions continuing to build between the United States and North Korea, there’s growing talk by politicians and TV pundits that
In a Washington Post op-ed, Ohio Governor John Kasich contends that “politicians and pundits” are going to get the United States involved in a war with North Korea.
With tensions continuing to build between the United States and North Korea, there’s growing talk by politicians and TV pundits that we are on the brink of war. In truth, we shouldn’t be anywhere close…
With millions of lives hanging in the balance, the last thing we need is to have politicians and pundits predicting odds on the probability of war. It’s neither an accurate nor a helpful way to treat a complex international challenge.
Wars generally begin when one country decides to use physical force to assault another country beyond its borders, such as Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the Taliban’s refusal to turn over the al-Qaeda leaders behind the 9/11 attacks in Afghanistan in 2001, and the U. S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Wars begin because of conscious decisions, not spontaneously combusting as a result of commentary. Television pundits may be geniuses, idiots, or somewhere in between, but they have no role in the United States military chain of command. They have no role in the North Korean chain of command, either.
Kasich doesn’t give any specific examples of people who he thinks are “waging a war of words” and creating “a distraction from the serious task at hand.

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