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Samsung will put AI in all of its devices and appliances by 2020


Today at CES Samsung announced it would put artificial intelligence in every device it makes, bringing AI to the forefront of its strategy.
Samsung today announced a new consumer product strategy based in artificial intelligence technology during its keynote speech at CES 2018 in Las Vegas.
Head of Samsung’s research H. S. Kim today announced every product the company makes would connect to the IoT cloud and have baked-in artificial intelligence by 2020. The company previously committed to connecting all of its devices to the internet by 2020, effectively creating a “smart” everything. This change indicates all Samsung products will soon feature an AI that learns over all of your devices.
Kim stated the company would engage in a three fold pillar to simplify all of its products using a single-cloud approach which includes connectivity, cloud, and intelligence.
The company will get rid of its “Smart Home” and “Smart View” by combining all smart programs into a new “Smart Things” app this Spring. Consumers who heavily invest in the Samsung ecosystem will be able to securely use devices with voice control or single press authentication as all Samsung devices will connect with one another.
According to Kim:
The new “Smart Things” app will roll out this Spring, but according to the company, every device it makes will be a part of the Smart Things ecosystem starting now. Bixby or bust.
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