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Monster Hunter World Releases Eight Full Minutes of Rotten Vale Gameplay


The publisher and developer Capcom officially releases eight full minutes of gameplay footage for the forthcoming title Monster Hunter World’s Rotten Vale region.
Several days ago, Capcom invited Monster Hunter World fans to tour the forthcoming action role-playing game’s Coral Highlands by releasing a gameplay trailer that detailed the area’s ocean-like designs and its flying wyvern creatures Paulumu and Legiana. Now, the publisher and developer have put out a fresh gameplay trailer with eight full minutes of footage that highlights the title’s Rotten Vale region.
As seen below in the latest trailer for Monster Hunter World, the narrator walks viewers through the world of Rotten Vale, which is particularly known for its “putrid smells, toxic ecology, rotting carcasses, and some rather resilient monsters.” Speaking of which, it apparently won’t take long until players encounter the area’s first monster, Radoban, which is a “skeleton scoundrel who coats his tar-like body in the bones of fallen monsters.”
About halfway through the Monster Hunter World player’s battle with Radoban, the scarlet-hued Odogaron crashes the party and shows that despite its smaller size, it can easily “tear apart larger prey without a moment’s hesitation.” The situation becomes even more daunting for the hunter when the two monsters not only start fighting each another, but also occasionally set their sights on the player, too. Eventually, though, the Odogaron is the victor after intimidating the Radoban into rolling away, which then results in an interesting process involving the player luring the Odogaron deeper into the Rotten Vale to “even the odds.”
With Monster Hunter World‘s release date for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One not long from now, many fans of the franchise will likely see Capcom’s gameplay footage for Rotten Vale as a great primer of the region’s qualities, which could translate into solid sales for the title on consoles next week. PC fans, on the other hand, will unfortunately have to wait until sometime this fall to play the game, as Capcom announced a delay for the version in order to ensure it’s released as polished as it can possibly be.
Monster Hunter World is set to launch on January 26,2018 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with an autumn 2018 release date scheduled for PC.

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