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Yoshi Switch Release Date Leaked?


Two separate retail listings possibly reveal the release date of the upcoming Yoshi side-scrolling platformer game in development for the Nintendo Switch.
The mini Nintendo Direct that aired earlier this month featured a wide variety of upcoming Nintendo Switch games on display, but one title was noticeably absent. Yoshi, the upcoming 2D platformer from the same team that brought us the critically-acclaimed Kirby’s Epic Yarn, was nowhere to be seen. Some fans may have been disappointed by its absence, but as it turns out, they may have a chance to play it within the next six months.
The Australian retail website Sanity currently has Yoshi pegged for a June 30th release date. While this may seem like nothing more than a placeholder date, it’s worth pointing out that Amazon Italy had Yoshi‘s release date marked for June 29th in a since-removed listing. It’s certainly possible that neither one of these dates are correct, but both of them being in late June is telling.
For one, it seems to be an indication that Yoshi‘s release window is the month of June. In the recent mini Nintendo Direct, Nintendo mostly focused on games releasing between now and May, so that could explain why Yoshi wasn’t featured in the presentation.
Secondly, it could be a sign that if Yoshi isn’t set to release in June, then it could be aiming for a summer release. It’s very possible that the June dates are merely placeholders, especially since June 30th falls on a Saturday. The June 29th release date, meanwhile, is a bit more believable, especially since Nintendo tends to release games on Fridays instead of Tuesdays.
If Yoshi is on track for release at the end of June, it’s possible Nintendo will withhold the announcement until E3. After all, Nintendo originally showcased Yoshi during its E3 2017 presentation, and announcing a major game release for the same month as E3 could create some buzz.
Regardless of Yoshi‘s exact release date, we know that the game is currently planned for release this year. Here’s hoping it lives up to fan expectations and serves as another strong addition to the Nintendo Switch’s already impressive library of exclusive games.
Yoshi is due for release in 2018, exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

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