Start GRASP/Korea N Korean diplomat in surprise Sweden talks

N Korean diplomat in surprise Sweden talks


There is speculation the visit is part of preparations for a recently announced US-North Korea summit.
North Korea’s foreign minister is in Sweden for a surprise visit, ahead of a possible meeting between US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un.
Pyongyang said Ri Yong-ho’s trip was for „bilateral relations and issues of mutual concern“.
Sweden has a long history of mediating between the Washington and Pyongyang.
So the visit has prompted speculation it might be part of preparations for the US-North Korea summit.
Donald Trump last week accepted an invitation for direct talks with Mr Kim, a shock announcement from the two leaders who have traded threats and insults for months.
There has been no official word from North Korea since the invitation was delivered, via South Korea.
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven told his country’s news agency TT that „if the main actors want Sweden to play a role then we are ready to do that“.
„We are a country that is militarily non-aligned and have a longstanding presence in North Korea, and with the trust we enjoy we think we can play a role.

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