Home GRASP GRASP/Japan Japan January flash manufacturing PMI shows fastest expansion in almost 3 years

Japan January flash manufacturing PMI shows fastest expansion in almost 3 years


NewsHubJapanese manufacturing activity expanded in January at the fastest pace in almost three years as export orders surged, suggesting that overseas demand is not as weak as some economists and business leaders had feared.
The Markit/Nikkei Japan Flash Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) rose to a seasonally adjusted 52.8 in January from a final 52.4 in the previous month.
The index remained above the 50 threshold that separates expansion from contraction for the third consecutive month and showed that activity expanded at the fastest since March 2014.
“The Japanese manufacturing sector started the New Year on a strong footing,” said Amy Brownbill, economist at IHS Markit, which compiles the survey.

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