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Secret Service Agent Under Investigation For Trump Comments


NewsHubThe Secret Service is investigating a senior agent who indicated on Facebook that she would rather go to jail than take a bullet for President Donald Trump.
The Washington Examiner first reported on the posts from special agent Kerry O’Grady, who is in charge of the Secret Service’s Denver district. In multiple posts leading up to the election, O’Grady made her disdain for Trump and support for Hillary Clinton ultra clear, possibly violating a provision of the Hatch Act which bans most federal employees from engaging in political activity.
“As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act,” O’Grady wrote in an October post. “So I keep quiet and skirt the median. To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides.”
She continued: “But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her.”
The Secret Service told The New York Times they are aware of the incident and are taking “quick and appropriate action” to resolve the matter, although the service did not indicate what action that might be.
O’Grady appears to have deleted her Facebook account, and told The Washington Examiner the post was an emotional reaction to Donald Trump’s lewd comments regarding women in a now infamous leaked tape. She repeatedly stated her views would not get in the way of her job to protect Trump as the president. Her role involves coordinating with Washington-based Secret Service teams for all presidential candidate and presidential trips to her area in Denver.
In a late November post captured in a screenshot, O’Grady wrote: “We are moving our civil rights into a period of bigotry, misogyny and racism that this country has not tolerated for decades. Dark ages. I am horrified and dismayed beyond words.”
But she told The Washington Examiner in a statement published Tuesday: “I serve this country with pride and I proudly diligently and fiercely protect and support the institutions and pillars of our republic established by the very same document that allows my free expression. I do so with every fiber of my being for the very reason that those institutions are in place to guarantee my right and the rights of all our citizens to voice and express our opinions and beliefs even when and especially when those values may be contrary to those of the party in power. My devotion to mission and country is only strengthened by the fact that the founders recognize the value of dissent and the freedom to assemble and voice those opposing convictions.”
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