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US to Reassure Asia Allies on South China Sea Dispute


Some analysts warned the US not to create a perception of focusing on North Korea while losing sight of issues important to Southeast Asia allies, whose foreign ministers are gathering in Washington in two weeks
The United States is reaffirming its engagement with Southeast Asian nations at a time when analysts say there are concerns that North Korea’s threats are overshadowing territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
Since becoming president, Donald Trump has softened his once-stern tone on China, reaching out to Beijing to help pressure North Korea to end its provocative nuclear and missile programs. On Friday, he tweeted:
In comparison, his last tweet about the South China Sea was in December after a Chinese navy ship seized an American unmanned underwater vehicle.
Some analysts warned the U. S. not to create a perception of being so focused on the North Korea threat that it loses sight of other issues important to allies in Southeast Asia, in particular the territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
“Clearly the administration must be very cautious, ” said Harry Kazianis, who directs defense studies at the Center for the National Interest.
“Help [from China] on North Korea could come at a very steep price, damaging critical partnership throughout Asia, if Vietnam and others feel abandoned for Chinese help on North Korea, ” he added.
Southeast Asian nations are seeking a long-term agreement to settle disputes in the South China Sea, as China moves to extend its regional influence. The North Korea issue, and the Trump administration’s early decision to back out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership regional economic pact, could send mixed signals.

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