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Chinese government urged to teach minorities standardised form of language to help fight poverty


A former senior government adviser says language teaching is a vital tool in the drive to improve living standards
Not enough effort is being put into teaching China’s ethnic minorities Putonghua during Beijing’s fight to eradicate poverty, a top adviser to the government said on Saturday.
Chinese president Xi Jinping has declared war on poverty, and instructed local governments to eliminate impoverishment to create a “moderately well-off society” by the beginning of 2021, in time for the centenary of the ruling Communist Party.
While regional authorities have introduced out supportive policies, funds and programmes in China’s poorest regions, they are failing to teach ethnic minority groups enough Putonghua, Zhu Weiqun, said in an article in the state-backed Global Times newspaper.
Efforts to teach minority peoples Putonghua are “not up to scratch” in various places, said Zhu, who is head of the minorities and religions committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, an advisory body.
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“I regularly come across low level cadres who with great effort use a mouthful of dialect to talk about their poverty alleviation plans without realising that dealing with their own deficiencies in speaking Mandarin [as Putonghua is also known] is an urgent task, ” he said.

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