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Addressing General Assembly, Japan's prime minister says 'not much time left' to rein in North Korea


If Japan has any qualms about President Trump’s confrontational rhetoric toward North Korea, its leader isn’t letting on.“We consistent…
The annual U. N. General Assembly has generated sometimes powerful comments by world leaders on issues involving North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan and the flight of minority Muslims from Myanmar as more than 100 heads of state and government gather in New York.
If Japan has any qualms about President Trump’s confrontational rhetoric toward North Korea, its leader isn’t letting on.
“We consistently support the stance of the United States that all options are on the table,” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the U. N. General Assembly on Wednesday, five days after North Korea sent a ballistic missile streaking above the Japanese archipelago — the second such overflight in less than three weeks.
Abe, speaking a day after Trump threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea if necessary to defend the United States or its allies, declared that the North’s mercurial leader, Kim Jong Un, is a greater menace than ever.

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