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'Natural' North Korean quake rattles nuclear monitors


Chinese officials initially held that the quake was ‘suspected’ to be part of nuclear test, but ultimately announced the same conclusion as…
International monitors believe that an earthquake near North Korea’s nuclear test site was not related to the illicit weapons program.
U. S. officials have not released a final conclusion, but South Korean monitors declared that the tremors were part of a natural earthquake. However, it attracted international attention as North Korea’s flurry of nuclear provocations has caused the United Nations to increase economic sanctions and produced several rounds of sabre-rattling between President Trump and dictator Kim Jong-un.
“The quake has been analyzed to have occurred naturally,” an official at South Korea’s Meteorological Administration told Yonhap News. “A sound wave, which is usually generated in the event of an artificial earthquake, was not detected.”
Chinese officials initially held that the quake was “suspected” to be part of nuclear test, but ultimately announced the same conclusion as the South Korean analysts. “[The] earthquake not a nuclear explosion, it has characteristics of a natural seismic event,” China’s Earthquake Administration announced, per Voice of America .
That’s a preferable outcome to the testing for both countries. Successive North Korean nuclear bomb and ballistic missile tests have produced renewed pressure on China to adopt and implement international sanctions targeting the North Korean regime.

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