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North Korea says China envoy stressed stance on developing relations: KCNA


China’s special envoy on North Korea met high-ranking North Korean official Choe Ryong Hae after he arrived in the capital, Pyongyang, the North’s official KCNA news agency said on Saturday.
SEOUL: China’s special envoy on North Korea met high-ranking North Korean official Choe Ryong Hae after he arrived in the capital, Pyongyang, the North’s official KCNA news agency said on Saturday.
Special representative Song Tao, the head of the ruling Communist Party’s external affairs department, informed Choe about China’s 19th National Congress “in detail,” and stressed China’s stance to steadily develop the traditionally friendly relations between the two parties and countries, KCNA said.
China has yet to offer any details of Song’s visit, which began on Friday, and it is unclear how long he will be in North Korea.
The influential state-run Chinese tabloid the Global Times said in an editorial that it was unwise to expect too much from his trip, saying his key mission was to inform North Korea about the recently concluded Communist Party Congress in Beijing.
“Song is not a magician,” the newspaper said.
“The key to easing the situation on the peninsula lies in the hands of Washington and Pyongyang.

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