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Japan blocking access to auto market with nontariff trade barriers, Trump says in report


U. S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Japan of employing “a variety of nontariff barriers” against American automobiles, effectively urging Toky
U. S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Japan of employing “a variety of nontariff barriers” against American automobiles, effectively urging Tokyo to further liberalize its auto market.
Japan imposes no tariffs on imported cars.
“The United States has expressed strong concerns with the overall lack of access to Japan’s automotive market for U. S. automotive companies,” Trump said in a report submitted to Congress.
“A variety of nontariff barriers impede access to Japan’s automotive market, and overall sales of U. S.-made vehicles and automotive parts in Japan remain low,” said the Economic Report of the President.
The report, the first of its kind under the Trump administration, also criticized China and South Korea as well for erecting nontariff barriers to American automobiles.
The report suggests Washington will step up calls on Tokyo during high-level economic talks to address the Trump administration’s concerns over U. S.

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