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South Korea Urges US Support for North Korea Nuclear Talks


Washington is reluctant to follow Seoul’s assertive diplomatic outreach
South Korean President Moon Jae-in is continuing efforts to broker talks between the U. S. and North Korea to reduce tensions over the North’s nuclear program, despite facing reluctance from Washington and Pyongyang, and increasing concerns at home.
On Monday, North Korea expressed a willingness for talks with the United States, but did not clarify whether Pyongyang is prepared to address halting and eventually dismantling its threatening nuclear program. The support for dialogue came from Kim Yong Chol, the controversial head of the visiting North Korean delegation to the PyeongChang Olympics closing ceremony. Kim has been accused of orchestrating a North Korean torpedo attack on a South Korean warship in 2010 that killed 46 sailors.
U. S. President Donald Trump responded to the North’s sudden openness to dialogue with skepticism on Monday, saying, ” We’ll see what happens” and that the “right conditions” must first be in place before talks can proceed.
Video – Trump: US Willing to Talk with North Korea ‘Under Right Conditions’
South Korea’s Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said it is working to address Washington’s concerns.
“Our government will continue to make efforts to persuade North Korea to respond promptly to the U. S., North Korea dialogue, while at the same time closely communicating and consulting with the U. S. on the future direction of North Korea’s nuclear diplomacy,” said Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Noh Kyu-duk.
Conflicting strategies
While North Korea now says it is willing to talk, its defiant rhetoric, and the numerous missile launches and two nuclear tests conducted in the last year, indicate a more threatening posture. Kim Jong Un responded to increasing international sanctions by declaring his country a nuclear weapons state, and set upon developing an operational intercontinental ballistic missile capability to target the U.

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