Home GRASP GRASP/Korea U. S.-South Korea Military Drills to be Smaller, Shorter

U. S.-South Korea Military Drills to be Smaller, Shorter


Exercises to last one month not two, bombers, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers not to take part
The United States and South Korea have decided to scale down and shorten annual joint military exercises in light of a diplomatic rapprochement with Pyongyang, a report said Friday.
The Key Resolve and Foal Eagle annual drills involving tens of thousands of troops and held every spring will begin early next month and will last for about one month, instead of two months as conducted in the past, according to a South Korean military source cited by Yonhap news agency.
U. S. strategic assets, such as B-1B bombers or nuclear-powered aircraft carrier strike groups will not take part this time, Yonhap said.
The Key Resolve drill, involving computer simulation, will last for two weeks, starting in mid-April as before, the agency’s source said.

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