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Grassley Says Ford Is ‘Only First-Hand Witness Not To’ Give Interview Or Statement To Committee


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released a statement Sunday saying Christine Blasey Ford is the “only first-hand witness not to provide a statement…
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released a statement Sunday saying Christine Blasey Ford is the “only first-hand witness not to provide a statement to, or interview with, the Committee.”
There were “five who were allegedly present at the party when the incident took place, and one who claimed to have secondhand knowledge of the incident. Four of those allegedly present at the party have provided statements to the Committee—Judge Kavanaugh, Mr. Judge, Mr. Smyth, and Ms. Keyser,” stated Chairman Grassley.
He added, “Judge Kavanaugh has flatly denied the allegations, and Mr. Judge, Mr. Smyth, and Ms. Keyser deny having knowledge of any party matching Dr. Ford’s description.”
Ford, who is expected to testify Thursday before the Committee, launched allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh claiming he attempted to sexually assault her over 35 years ago at a Montgomery County, Maryland residence during a party.
Grassley explained that the Committee sought information from six different people about the incident Ford alleged to have happened. (RELATED: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Accepts Senate Panel’s Invite To Testify)
The Committee learned from its investigation that the four people Ford alleged were at the party were not all boys as Ford previously told The Washington Post and her therapist. The individuals she claimed were there were Judge Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, Patrick J. Smyth, and Leland Ingham Keyser.
Each was contacted by the Committee for the opportunity to discuss the allegations made by Ford. Keyser told the Committee through her lawyer that she “does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”
“The Committee asked Dr. Ford to participate in a confidential interview with Republican and Democratic Committee staff the day after learning of her identity. The Committee has reiterated that request over the last week,” Grassley said.
Smyth gave a statement to the Committee through his attorney stating he had “no knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.”
Christina King Miranda, a schoolmate of Ford’s, was also contacted by the Committee after she posted on social media “[t]his incident did happen, many of us heard about it in school.” However, she deleted the post after being contacted by the Committee hours later and claimed on National Public Radio that she did not know if the incident “happened or not.” She refused to do an interview with the Committee.
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