Home United States USA — Sport How to Catch Mobile User Attention During the Super Bowl

How to Catch Mobile User Attention During the Super Bowl


Over 170 million social media interactions happen during the Big Game.
Thousands of apps launch every year, about 40 percent of which are games. Yet three out of four mobile users download two or fewer apps each month. As a mobile app developer or brand launching an app, the numbers are stacked against you.
Fortunately, there are proven formulas for success. These combine the massive reach of certain global influencers in your space with major cultural events, the tentpole moments where all eyes and ears are tuned in to your IP and users are hungry for entertainment and supplementary content around the event.
The upcoming Super Bowl, for instance, is a perfect example. The Big Game draws 100 million TV viewers but catalyzes more than 170 million interactions on social media, most of which are on mobile. Nearly eight in 10 mobile consumers engage with social media while watching the game, making the Super Bowl a significant opportunity to reach fans and convince them to download your app.
The stage is set for a successful launch, but after the last strains of cheers die down and consumers move on to other cultural moments, how do you retain them? And how can you leverage ongoing events and lower-tier influencers to gain more users? Pick the right person
Nearly eight in 10 mobile consumers engage with social media while watching the game, making the Super Bowl a significant opportunity to reach fans and convince them to download your app.

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