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China-US trade talks to continue in Washington


Trade talks between the world’s two largest economies will continue next week in Washington as both sides indicated progress in Beijing this week..
Trade talks between the world’s two largest economies will continue next week in Washington as both sides indicated progress in Beijing this week.
The Xinhua news agency said Chinese President Xi Jinping met US Trade Representative Robert Light-hizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin yesterday at the Great Hall of the People, telling them that China was willing to resolve trade disputes with the United States through cooperation.
But such “cooperation has to be based on principles”, the Chinese leader added. He noted the “important progress” in the talks in Beijing, and said he hoped the negotiators would “continue to work hard” to produce a mutually beneficial win-win agreement next week.
Mr Lighthizer also appeared upbeat in his assessment of the talks. “We feel we have made headway on very, very important and difficult issues,” he told the Associated Press. “We have additional work we have to do, but we are hopeful.”
Xinhua said the US negotiators told Mr Xi they were willing to work with China to reach a deal that was in the interests of both countries.
Mr Mnuchin also tweeted yes-terday saying that the talks had been “productive”.

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