Home United States USA — Sport Q&A With 2018 Boston Marathon Winner Des Linden

Q&A With 2018 Boston Marathon Winner Des Linden


Boston Marathon winner Des Linden talks about running, and how to win
Des Linden shows no sign of slowing down. Last spring she became the first American woman in over three decades to win the Boston Marathon.
The pint-sized, 35-year-old long-distance runner is set to attempt a repeat next month on April 15, as the Boston Marathon enters its 123rd year. But she’ll also get a warm-up this Sunday at the United Airlines NYC Half Marathon. Last fall she placed 6th in the TCS New York City Marathon and was one of four American to take a top ten spot in that race.
What does it take to win running’s biggest races? I connected with Linden last week to get a read on how she prepares –both physically and mentally– for such big feats. Linden also spoke about the women who inspire her.
Andy Frye: You have been running your whole life, but what is it like to win the Boston Marathon?
Des Linden: Running and racing are very different. I have been running in a competitive way for a long time and it was an absolute thrill, and life-long dream come true, to win the Boston Marathon. There are only so many years in a competitive career and I’m certainly in the later stages of mine, so it was rewarding to have such a career-defining moment on such an amazing stage. The good news is the running will always be there even once the competitive part is gone and I’ll still be able to enjoy that for a very long time.
AF: Tell us about women –both athletes and those outside sports– who have inspired you?
Linden: I grew up playing soccer, so I was a big fan of Michelle Akers and Mia Hamm. They did amazing things not only for women’s soccer but for women’s sports in general. As I got into running, Deena Kastor was the ultimate competitor for U. S. distance runners. She was really pushing the boundaries of what was possible for Americans on the track and the roads. Of course, Joan Benoit-Samuelson and her historic Olympic gold-medal marathon was always a source of inspiration, as well Kathrine Switzer’s fight to get women officially in the competition.

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