Home United States USA — mix Mueller Report Live Updates: House Democrats Demand Unredacted Report

Mueller Report Live Updates: House Democrats Demand Unredacted Report


A day after the release of the most anticipated report in years, Washington takes a breath, and a resolution seems anything but clear.
The investigation of Mr. Trump’s activities related to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, including efforts to impede the inquiry, is moving from the executive branch to Congress, where the matter is anything but resolved.
Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, issued a subpoena on Friday, demanding that the Justice Department hand over the complete and unredacted version of the Mueller report and all of the underlying materials by May 1.
[Read the subpoena.]
“Even the redacted version of the report outlines serious instances of wrongdoing by President Trump and some of his closest associates,” Mr. Nadler said on Friday. “It now falls to Congress to determine the full scope of that alleged misconduct and to decide what steps we must take going forward.”
Mr. Nadler has said it is too early to decide whether impeachment proceedings are warranted.
He and other Democrats criticized the attorney general for a sparse summary of the Mueller report favorable to the president last month and for publicly defending the president and making excuses for some of his actions during a news conference on Thursday morning before the report was even released.
Mr. Nadler said Mr. Barr is scheduled to testify before his committee on May 2, and he also has asked Mr. Mueller to testify no later than May 23.Mr. Barr said on Thursday that he had no objection to Mr. Mueller testifying.
In a pair of Friday morning Twitter posts, Mr. Trump criticized the special counsel investigation, led by Robert S.

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