Home United States USA — Financial Iran Demands Guarantees Of U.S. Adherence To Any Revived Nuclear Deal

Iran Demands Guarantees Of U.S. Adherence To Any Revived Nuclear Deal


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has reiterated his demand for guarantees from the United States that it will not again withdraw from a deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program should negotiations to revive the deal be successful.
‘We have before us the experience of America’s withdrawal from the (deal),’ Raisi said at the UN General Assembly on September 21. ‘With that experience and this perspective, can we ignore the important issue of guarantees for a durable agreement?’
Raisi also said Tehran wanted former U.S. President Donald Trump to face trial for the 2020 killing of Iran’s top Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani in an American drone attack in Iraq.
Trump in 2018 abandoned the 2015 nuclear deal under which Iran had agreed to restrain its atomic program in return for relief from economic sanctions.

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