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Congressional leaders clear the way for a bipartisan bill to avert a railroad strike


Without intervention by Congress, the effects of a potential rail workers strike could begin to hit the U.S. economy as soon as this weekend.
President Joe Biden hosted a rare meeting of the four House and Senate leaders Tuesday at the White House, where Republicans and Democrats agreed to pass a bill to avert a nationwide rail workers’ strike before the U.S. economy could start to feel its effects as soon as this weekend.
The meeting with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, both of California, was a last-minute addition to Biden’s public schedule. It also marked the first time the group known as “the Big Four” has met with Biden since Republicans narrowly won control of the House earlier this month, and Democrats held on to the Senate despite strong political headwinds.
The meeting Tuesday was not partisan or contentious even as the power dynamics in Washington are set to change, according to attendees.
“It was a very positive meeting, and it was candid,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol after the meeting. “But from a timing standpoint, right now what we need to do is avoid the strike.”
McConnell struck a similar note: “We had a really good meeting, and laid out the challenges that we’re all collectively facing here.

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