Home United States USA — Financial Brown, Northwestern Make Deals With Student Protesters

Brown, Northwestern Make Deals With Student Protesters


It is true that Columbia played footsie with its collection of malcontents before the police arrived on the scene and fumigated the college. But according to two stories at Campus Reform, Brown and Northwestern were unnerved at the prospect of telling young adults to behave like, well, adults, and have made concessions to their protestors.
Northwestern made a deal with the protesters to remove the majority of the tents from the campus. According to the terms of the agreement, peaceful protests can continue. However, all of the tents on Deering Meadow, except for one aid tent, must come down. “Devices to project or amplify sound” must be approved in advance. Only students, faculty, and staff will be permitted to participate in demonstrations, and the college reserves the right to check school IDs. Also, protesters must ensure that everyone is safe and that there is space on Deering Meadow for other activities.
And there is this strange clause:
The University will publicly condemn the doxing of any community member and will advise employers not to rescind job offers for students engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment.
One assumes that means the school will officially shake its finger at people who want to reveal the identities of people hiding behind keffiyehs. Time will tell how the Jewish kids fare. As far as employers rescinding job offers, that is none of the university’s business. If the protesters are worried about their future prospects, well, caveat emptor, kids.
In exchange for the protesters’ cooperation, Northwestern agreed to re-establish its Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility this fall, with representatives from the students, faculty, and staff.

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